Greg Ratner

Greg Ratner

Co-Founder, CTO @
164 points
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Greg Ratner
Greg Ratner
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Super cool product!
In-app universal search, navigation, and AI-answers for SaaS
Greg Ratner
Greg Ratner
left a comment
So excited for this launch! The product and the team are amazing! πŸŽ‰
Remotion 2.0
Remotion 2.0
A virtual office for your hybrid team, right on your desktop
Greg Ratner
Greg Ratner
left a comment
Very excited about this! Go @forestgood !
Find friends who do your favorite activities
+1 comment
Greg Ratner
Greg Ratner
left a comment
Looks great! Very excited about this!
Immersive video chat built for groups
Greg Ratner
Greg Ratner
left a comment
Really exciting product and much needed during these WFH times!
Quick video chat with your remote team