Forrest O.

Forrest O.

creative, accessible, crafty
40 points
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Forrest O.
Forrest O.
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Here to support Forrest-made apps.
Organize and collaborate on your weekly cooking
Forrest O.

It's a webapp that loads and runs very fast, and it makes fun images.

This is the best single-purpose webapp site since

Webapp to personalize images, money, cards, logos.
Forrest O.
Using the same technology that powers search for hundreds of internet companies, Webflow Site Search allows you to customize, integrate and implement a search engine right into your Webflow site - visually.
Webflow Site Search
Design & build custom search for Webflow sites - visually
Forrest O.

Meemoo is a media toy webapp, with modules that can be connected to do all kinds of image manipulation, animation, and GIF making. Programming by connecting dataflow wires between boxes, each with UI to show what is happening inside.

hackable app builder web media toy