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  • Fredric Newberg

    Fredric Newberg

    CTO @ Embrace
    41 points
    All activity
    Fredric Newberg
    Embrace helps mobile devs find every error, recreate every session on command, and fix bugs in minutes. Think of those freezes during startup, broken purchases & unsolved crashes. Wish, Goat & OkCupid solve all of these with Embrace and debug so much faster.
    Crashlytics + Fullstory on steroids
    Fredric Newberg
    Embrace's Network Monitoring has all of your app's network performance data in a single, simple dashboard. See insights and users affected by 4xx/5xx errors, slow API calls, and connectivity issues that harm your app and sneak past your server-side monitoring.
    Network Watchdog by Embrace
    An advanced network monitoring dashboard for mobile apps
    Fredric Newberg
    Embrace has created the ‘Overview Page’, a single dashboard customize-able to the KPIs, SLAs, and issues (crashes, out-of-memories (OOMs), ANRs, freezes, user force-quits, & network errors) that matter to you. Think a “Datadog” dashboard built for mobile.
    Visibility by Embrace
    Visibility by Embrace
    Datadog-style dashes for mobile apps. Go beyond crashes...