Emily GCL

Emily GCL

CEO&Co-founder@ FROGED
83 points
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Emily GCL
Growth Hacking Framework for Notion is a free template that lets you organize all your growth initiatives and experiments right within Notion. It's based on the AARRR funnel and PIE scoring frameworks. In the video we explain how to use the template.
Growth Hacking Framework for Notion
A free template to organize all your growth initiatives
Emily GCL
Things have changed, your business needs to keep your customer engaged, offer proactive support, and take the control, now more than ever. That's why we have created one of the best Knowledge Base in the market, and you have a FREE plan πŸ†
FROGED Knowledge Base
Self-service support with articles to help your customers
Emily GCL
Marketing, Sales & Support. All-in-One solution
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πŸ’¬ Get leads with automated messages
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🏹 Send email campaigns based on your customer behavior

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πŸ‘€ Track and analyze what happens inside your web

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πŸš€ More features to grow your business
Convert your visitors into happy customers
Emily GCL
Emily GCL
left a comment
Very exciting app, beautiful design, and great idea.
Meet people with common interests wherever you go