Antoni Kępiński

Antoni Kępiński

Founder of Parsify Technologies
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Antoni Kępiński
Antoni Kępiński
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Looks amazing! Great job 👏
Virus Cafe
Virus Cafe
Make a friend in 2 minutes
Antoni Kępiński
Parsify Desktop is an extendable calculator for the 21st Century ⚡ It allows you to combine personal notes with math expressions, assignments, converting units and more. Works on Windows, macOS and Linux!
Parsify Desktop
Parsify Desktop
Extendable calculator for the 21st century ⚡
Antoni Kępiński
Finally, a currency converter, that does it's job every time you need it!
- Support for 33 currencies 💱
- Simple & Intuitive UI 🖥️
- Smooth animations 🏃
- Offline support (PWA) ⚙️
This app uses data from Foreign exchange rates API.
Currency Converter 💵💱
Currency Converter 💵💱
Simple & Fast Currency Converter, that works offline ⚡🚀
Antoni Kępiński
PizzaQL is a order placement & management system for pizza restaurants. It has been built using modern technologies, like React, Next.js, Styled Components and GraphQL.
Even though it is not finished yet, it is usable :)
If you like this project, consider starring it on Github - it means a lot to me.
PizzaQL 🍕
PizzaQL 🍕
Modern, OSS order management system for pizza restaurants
Antoni Kępiński

Speedo CLI uses API to check user's download & upload speed (and latency!) and present it to him in a table. Just install it with npm and run `speedo` in your terminal :) Check out for more information.

Speedo CLI
Speedo CLI
Internet speed report in your terminal!
Antoni Kępiński

OJI is an interactive text emoji maker, that uses Inquirer.js as an interface. You can make your personalized text emoji using creator and copy it to clipboard 🦄 It can also save your emoji, so you will be able to access & copy it again later 🚀 Everything is lightweight, easy to use & works on every platform (That is supported by Node.js) 😀

Download it today, using npm: npm i -g oji

(◕‿◕) Interactive text emoji maker!
Antoni Kępiński

elcalc is a simple, but powerful calculator made with Electron.

Main Features:

- Simple Interface;

- Beautiful Design;

- Cross-Platform;

- Open-Source

You can use it as an alternative for your system calculator!

Beautiful, Cross-Platform Calculator made with Electron
Antoni Kępiński

With Cash CLI you can easily convert 32 currency rates using your terminal!

Just install it with npm and you can now access the "cash" command :)

Over 5000 downloads!

Cash CLI
Cash CLI
Convert Currency Rates directly from your Terminal!