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Crystal Rood

EmailOwl is a categorized database of 3k+ email newsletters offering advertisement, with newsletters collectively reaching 200M+ subscribers. Includes contact information, tags, media information links, and more! Promote your business with EmailOwl.

Database of over 3k email newsletters to advertise with
Crystal Rood

Data job board aggregates data-oriented jobs across top tech companies (think data scientists, data analysts, etc). We scrape these jobs and parse out the important stuff (experience, preferred/required technologies) so you can quickly filter our structured database to relevant jobs.

Data Job Board
Data Job Board
Simplifying the search for data jobs
Crystal Rood

Code Bits is a free repository of helpful code snippets for data processing and analysis (using Python/Pandas and SQL). Repository is open source, and goal is to provide up to date/helpful snippets to data analysts and data scientists. If you have snippets you'd like to add, please feel free to contribute via github!

Code Bits
Code Bits
Helpful code snippets for data processing and analysis
Crystal Rood

- Get relevant questions asked at top companies

Solve the problems before checking your work the following day

Check your work and improve your interviewing skills!

Data Interview Q's
Get better at data science interviews
Crystal Rood

Piggy is an application that allows you to track prices on past online purchases. If the price drops, Piggy will contact the retailer and ask for a price adjustment. Currently supported for Gmail and purchases.

Automatically get refunds on purchases when prices drop.