Claire Shaw

Claire Shaw

Clickwire - An Affiliate Publisher Tool
29 points
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Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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Launched today! Your feedback will be invaluable

Hi All, We've launched Clickwire today and we're very excited - We'd love to get some feedback from the community, or even just a cheeky upvote :) So if you have a free moment, please check out our tool!
Claire Shaw
With Clickwire, you can generate internationalised affiliate tracking links with a single click, track in-depth click data in a customisable analytics dashboard, and manage all of your affiliate networks and programs in one place.
The essential companion for affiliate publishers
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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New Podcast Launched

We're kicking off a digital/affiliate marketing podcast very shortly, and we've just released the teaser trailer for it on Spotify. It would be amazing if anyone's up for listening and giving a little feedback on the first few episodes, since this is a very new venture for us! We discuss affiliate, digital, social media, and content marketing amongst other things....
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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Anil Matcha
How big is your team?
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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By providing a hell of a lot more of in-depth data to analyse on affiliate sales and clicks on your tracking links
Vlad Zivkovic
How do you differentiate your product from your competitors?
Vlad Zivkovic
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Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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How do people use Reddit to engage potential clients?

I know how Reddit works but I've never been a huge user of it, does anyone have any advice on how to engage with the communities on there and promote products?
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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I use DeepL
Frank Nguyen | Afforai
What are the tools/apps do you use to access, translate or work with non- english documents?
Frank Nguyen | Afforai
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Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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Looking for feedback before launching!

In a couple of weeks time we'll have the first full version of our SAAS Clickwire ready for beta testing, and i'd love to open the opportunity up for people in this community that might be interested in our product (or know others outside of PH). Clickwire is an affiliate publisher tool that manages all of your networks and programs in one place, generates tracking links for all programs in...
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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Looks like a really cool tool! I'll definitely try it out
Permar AI
Permar AI
Generate landing pages in seconds
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn but haven’t yet?
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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Looks really good! I've signed up to explore the capabilities, so far so impressed!
Summarize, interact, translate your documents with AI
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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Personally, it was the Gullfoss Waterfall area in Iceland. Just took my breath away!
Usama Ahmad
What's the most breathtaking natural landscape you've ever seen?
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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Got out of bed at all! Been struggling to sleep well in this heat, and it's really catching up to me now
What's something that you did which was hard for you today?
Sepideh Yazdi
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Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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How do you prioritise?

I'm interested to know how different people prioritise a task list as long as their arm. When you're responsible for everything from socials to brand awareness, marketing, sales, content, training and more, how do you schedule your days? In the period leading up to a launch, what took priority? Do you have any tips or tricks on how to stop getting overwhelmed?
Claire Shaw
Claire Shaw
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SemRush, Notion, GSC, GA4 (begrudgingly), Looker Studio
Natia Kurdadze
What are top 5 tools you use in your business?
Natia Kurdadze
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