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Ben Lang
Utilize AI to transform complex process maps and tedious routine documents into intuitive workflows, empowering your team to operate more efficiently and easily improve your processes as your business evolves.
ShiftX AI
ShiftX AI
Generate your processes and flows with ai
Ben Lang
In 2024, we're seeing the exponential growth of design engineer roles opening up. Next generation software companies (Vercel, Stripe, Clerk, etc) build user-loved products which are crafted by design engineers.
Design Engineer
Design Engineer
Beautiful job board dedicated to design engineers
Ben Lang
Companies pay referral bonuses for new hires, but only to their employees. Why? Draftboard is where companies make them public and claimable by anyone. Refer your network to jobs and get paid - it's that simple.
Referral bonuses for everyone
Ben Lang
We connect the world's best teams to work together from anywhere. At Matilda, we believe in simplifying work without compromising power or flexibility. Docs, Projects, Tables, Chat, Customers, Copilot - a workspace where every tool is intuitively connected.
Matilda Workspace (Preview)
It's hard to move fast when your tools are complicated
Ben Lang
Boost your Reddit engagement with AI-powered and personalized comments. Generate relevant replies, drive traffic and leads, and track performance with ease. Best for affiliate marketing, eCom products, and SaaS tools.
1-click personalized comment generator for Reddit
Ben Lang
Easily select single notion pages to share without granting access to full databases, while easily tracking engagement metrics like opens, time spent on page, and links clicked.
Easily share Notion with one click, and built-in analytics
Ben Lang
Stop wasting time with unproductive meetings! Take control of your 1:1s, stand-ups and all-hands with Leapsome Meetings. Collaborate on agendas, assign action items and keep teams on track. Free for everyone.
Leapsome Meetings
Leapsome Meetings
Make meetings count, collaborate on agenda and action steps
Ben Lang
Get automated, AI-powered code reviews that surpass existing tools. It offers real-time collaboration, fine-tunes reviews based on user feedback, and uses a configurable rule engine. Eliminate bugs, ship fast, and let developers focus on big problems.
Cut code review time & bugs in half using AI
Ben Lang
Ben Lang
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Pumped for this, go team daytona!
Dev environment manager that makes you 2x more productive
Ben Lang
Ben Lang
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Great launch team! Excited to try this out and see what AI powered design looks like
The one-stop product design tool amplified by AI
Ben Lang
Product design software born from a passion for design, made delightful with AI magic. Ideate, design, collaborate, prototype, handoff - all in one tool, all made easier and more joyful with AI.
The one-stop product design tool amplified by AI
Ben Lang
Ben Lang
left a comment
Exciting! congrats team
Generate better SDKs for your API
Ben Lang
Fine's AI agents are software developers that never sleep. They understand business requirements, analyze your codebase, plan, generate code, and even test your app. Let them handle the tedious tasks and achieve your goals with unparalleled efficiency.
AI-powered devs
Ben Lang
Ben Lang
left a comment
Very cool launch, congrats Fine team!
AI-powered devs
Ben Lang
Props AI is an open-source proxy to help you monitor and monetise your Open AI API usage. With our cloud offering, you can get set up in 5 minutes and we manage the data processing, storage, analytics and integrations.
Props AI
Props AI
Monitor & monetize your LLM applications
Ben Lang
Ben Lang
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Love this project Cole! I'm going to be looking through quite a few of these setups. Great work!
Explore and shop your favorite creators' workspaces
Ben Lang
Unspace is a curated collection of modern workspaces and products. Explore and shop the products your favorite creators are using in their workspaces!
Explore and shop your favorite creators' workspaces