Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan

Growth Hacker, building in public.
24 points
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Ali Hassan
Ali Hassan
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congratulations on your launch! super useful tool!
OpenHigher AI
Unignorable email subject lines powered by GPT-4
Ali Hassan
Struggling with delayed international payments and complicated workflows? Meet the RemotePass Super App! Get paid in over 90 currencies, a USD card, manage your expenses and leave, and access health insurance plans. Remote work just got a whole lot simpler!
The RemotePass Super App
Your global remote work companion
Ali Hassan
Ali Hassan
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Congrats on the launch! A super useful tool!
Listen Monster
Listen Monster
Perfectly transcribed, every time - 100% free
Ali Hassan
Ali Hassan
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Congratulations on your launch! It's a great idea - waiting for it to be launched on Android!
Arlo AI Voice Alarm
Arlo AI Voice Alarm
Wake up to personalized messages from your favorite voices