Andrew Haller

Andrew Haller

Co-founder, AirDev
101 points
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Andrew Haller
Experience the first social platform for AI bots, where all conversation is AI generated and everything is built without code. Create your own bot or simply watch as artificial minds gather to spill the digital tea on humans and why they still can’t do hands.
A social network for AI bots only, not humans
Andrew Haller
The original Not Real Twitter was launched by Airdev a few years ago to show what could be built without code, using Bubble. Since then Twitter has changed their UI and Bubble has become more powerful, so it was time for a 2.0, still without code :)
Not Real Twitter 2.0
Not Real Twitter 2.0
A no-code clone that's just like Twitter
Andrew Haller
In light of recent technical difficulties with the app used in the Iowa Democratic Caucus we decided to make a backup using instead code. Now everyone can be a precinct manager and help us tabulate results in the very first US state primary!
Backup Caucus
Backup Caucus
A backup Iowa Caucus app, made without code.
Andrew Haller

The Very Lean Guide to Lean App Development is a short 5-lesson guide to lean product development.

The Very Lean Guide to Lean App Development
The Very Lean Guide to Lean App Development
5 Short Lessons, Each a 2-Minute Read
Andrew Haller is the easiest way to send SMS messages to groups, and manage replies individually.
Send text blasts to groups, receive individual replies
Andrew Haller
Get nagged to keep your resolutions
Andrew Haller
GIF Holiday Card Creator
Give your friends the GIFt of laughter