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Kevin Graham
Want to monetize your WordPress site? ProductPress makes it easy to sell one-time or subscription access to your WordPress site's content, using either Gumroad or Paddle to collect credit card and PayPal payments.
Sell one-time or subscription access to WordPress content
Kevin Graham
Domain Comet makes it easy to monitor your own domains, your client's domains or the domains that you might like to purchase one day.
We monitor registration details (registrar, status, expiry date), SSL certificates (validity and expiry) and number of pages indexed in Google.
Domain Comet
Domain Comet
We monitor your domains, so you don't have to.
Kevin Graham

I coded the first version of Keep My Friends after getting one too many "I haven't heard from you in months" messages from my friends. Everyone is busy (including me), but I found it very easy with the app reminding me to keep in touch with important people in my life and maintaining Streaks of unbroken contact in the app.

Keep My Friends
Keep My Friends
A lightweight, personal CRM to improve your relationships