📣 Our Makers Festival hackathon is here!

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June 1st, 2021
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Announcing Makers Festival — Green Earth Edition. Learn more about what we’re all building, prizes, and more.
Our Makers Festival is back! It’s our online event encouraging makers everywhere to build, tinker, and launch products in a pinch.

Think green

In our last Makers Festival, we addressed the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic and explored solutions for reprieve from work-from-home isolation. This year, we’re turning our attention to another crisis that affects us all: our at-risk environment.
We feel energized and empowered by green tech and maker ingenuity on the regular. Makers give us the tools we need to be good to our planet. A few of our recent favorites include a tabletop appliance that turns waste to compost, a service to compile orders to reduce waste, a resource site for zero waste shopping, and apps to offset your carbon footprint or ensure your company cuts carbon too.
Think outside the box while you’re tinkering. The ways in which we connect to planet Earth are all-encompassing including the ways we eat, pay, invest, shop, advocate, and travel. That means the solutions are everywhere, too.
If you need some inspiration to spark some ideas, browse trending products in Green Tech. Or if you need a boost of confidence to push past the launch line, go forward and register — you’ll have a chance to grab Founder Resources from our friends at TechCrunch when you sign up.
You can also look to past winners for stories of makers who remind us that weekend projects can turn into venture-backed companies.

A hackathon for all makers

Makers Festival is open to people of all trades (developers, designers, writers, and beyond) from all around the world. Like past hackathons (and our community in general), this is an inclusive virtual event. The planet doesn’t care if your product is no code and code so neither do we. You can also go at it solo or pull together a team.
We’ve partnered with our friends at TechCrunch, Trends by the Hustle, and Webflow to make this fest a success. Beyond good feels, participants can win prizes that include tickets to TechCrunch Disrupt, a CMS plan from Webflow, a Founders Club subscription, Product Hunt swag, and a coveted Silver Kitty trophy. 😻🏆
Weatherwax Brent
Can you provide more details about the specific theme of the Green Earth Edition? smash karts ask.