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The best alternatives to XetHub are GumHub, github-pewpew, and CodeLink. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to XetHub
  • GumHub is a one-click solution to sell access to your GitHub repos with Gumroad. You can set up unlimited instances in minutes, and sell access to unlimited repos for no additional fee.

  • Have you ever had too much fun with the GitHub API and ended up creating too many dummy repos? Me too 😅! I made this little CLI tool to clean up repositories quickly. I'm planning to add some flags and regexp ...

  • CodeLink superpowers async collaboration. Share links to blocks of code in your repo. Open them in your IDE, VCS Host (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket...) or directly in Slack. It’s everything you need to get on the ...

  • GitPaid lets you add a paywall to your GitHub repositories. Create a project, set your price, share your sale link, done. Once someone buys your repo, they get automatically invited to your GitHub repository.