Wristcam - Made for WATCH

Lightweight camera system for WATCH
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What is Wristcam - Made for WATCH?
Apple Certified smartband brings photo, video, & live video chat to Apple Watch! ⠀ At half the weight of the watch, Wristcam packs 2 HD cameras, all-day battery, and 8GB storage in a tight water-resistant design that syncs with iPhone via Bluetooth & WiFi.
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Wristcam - Made for WATCH
Apple Certified smartband brings photo, video, & live video chat to Apple Watch!
At half the weight of the watch, Wristcam packs 2 HD cameras, all-day battery, and 8GB storage in a tight water-resistant design that syncs with iPhone via Bluetooth & WiFi.
Wristcam - Made for WATCH image