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  • iA Writer

    Focused Writing App
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    What do people think of iA Writer?

    The community submitted 14 reviews to tell us what they like about iA Writer, what iA Writer can do better, and more.
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    14 Reviews
    Marius Masalar
    Content Marketing Manager @ 1Password
    2 reviews
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    Review of iA Writer 5

    This is the best update the app has seen in its entire history: it's all about polish, thoughtful interaction refinements, and providing tools in a way that isn't distracting or overwhelming.

    It remains the best blank canvas for plain text that money can buy.

    Luis Fariña
    Web & iOS dev
    2 reviews
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    Review of iA Writer 5

    iA Writer has been on my home screen for a long, long time. A wonderful writing app, even better with this update: loving the new keyboard bar.

    Radoslav Stankov
    CTO @ AngryBuilding
    40 reviews
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    Review of iA Writer 5
    Recommended this product
    Review of iA Writer 5

    Writer does something that's hard to put into words, but it just really helps me write. It gives me space, room to breathe and think. I always use focus mode. I've recently started using night mode as well. Sounds silly but its like a trigger now, I open Writer and its just easier to get out, what's in my head. I've been using the mac version for years. I didn't think I'd use the phone version as much initially, but I've found it to have the same effect as the mac version, it gives me a space to deposit thoughts as and when they strike and then expand on them later. I used to email myself lots of notes, which was messy. Writer shares everything across devices, so more of my thoughts actually get completed now and turned into writing I can use. I'm excited to make stuff with this latest version.

    iOS Developer @ Trafi
    2 reviews
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    Review of iA Writer 5

    I have used it since basically version 1 before it was iA Writer Pro. I fell in love with its minimal design and neat markdown support. It also helped me a lot in learning the markdown intricacies. After it released version 4 with image/file inclusions I knew that I'll be using this editor in long years to come.

    Oliver Reichenstein
    Founder of iA Inc.
    2 reviews
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    Review of iA Writer 5
    Marcos Dias Alves
    Business Development Exec. IBM Brasil
    1 review
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    Review of iA Writer 5

    I use it daily for journaling and taking notes.

    Christoph H.
    Designer, Ing. Christoph Hochstrasser
    1 review
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    Review of iA Writer 5
    macosx guru 
    Writer for http://bicycleforyourmind.com
    3 reviews
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    Review of iA Writer 5
    Jordan Moore
    Director of Design at Dawson Andrews
    5 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of iA Writer 5