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  • Screenshots Pro

    Screenshots Pro

    Create panoramic app screenshots for App Store & Google Play
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    What do people think of Screenshots Pro?

    The community submitted 2 reviews to tell us what they like about Screenshots Pro, what Screenshots Pro can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Screenshots Pro?
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    3.5/5All time (2 reviews)
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    2 Reviews
    Andrew Flambe
    1 review
    Emailed support and the founder Sasha and no one is responding. Need help to take screenshots for Android tablets, I could only find that the service supports iPad & Surface tablet devices, not Android tablets. Have been waiting over 10 days now for someone to reply from the team. Paid for a subscription but customer support is non-existent.
    Nikhil Bapna
    Building a location community portal
    2 reviews
    Easy to use. I like the various templated. Love how screenshots just perfectly fit in the screens.