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  • RemNote


    Make flashcards in your notes. Cut study time in half.
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    What do people think of RemNote?

    The community submitted 253 reviews to tell us what they like about RemNote, what RemNote can do better, and more.
    What do you think about RemNote?
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    4.7/5All time (46 reviews)
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    253 Reviews
    Moira Lee
    Moira Lee
    Service Design, User Experience
    5 reviews
    Review of RemNote
    - I do love the concept and functions of this APP, but to be honest, its user interface really needs further embellishment. - First of all, the default font size is small and hard to read, and having to adjust it by using CSS templates also makes it inconvenient for me. - The operation process from one page to another is not very smooth. It took me over 3 minutes to find out how to reference a specific rem's content and display that content in the page I wanted. - The initial guidelines were cool, but only covered a very small part of the app, which left me with a lot of confusion as I went through more actions.
    Maximilian Jendrall
    Chief Cold Email Magician at Halbwarm
    1 review
    They did an amazing job replacing anki for me! 10/10!
    Dennis Willmann
    Web Dev @remnote
    1 review
    Review of RemNote
    For transparency: I'm a developer of RemNote, and as such, I have been using the product for more than a year now. The UI/UX has improved from barely usable, to a pleasant experience. Our company is really focused on the community, and that will continue to drive our product. In that sense, I really stand behind our company mission. Sure, there's plenty of things to improve, like further UI/UX polish, and a lot of stability improvements. That said, I think the current version is ahead of its competition in terms of gaining and retaining knowledge. That's why I'm giving it 5 stars.
    Jett Walcott
    Environmental Science & GIS
    1 review
    Love it. Can view notes in multiple panes. Can create flashcards. Can easily nest dot points and collapse nesting. Can organise notes in endless nested folders. Perfect for studying.
    biubiu didi
    1 review
    flashcard is best
    RemNote is simply revolutionary as a Second Brain app, there really is no other app like it! It is no exaggeration to say that RemNote changed my life for the better! 😄 Since discovering it, my work and study workflows have improved exponentially! And somehow the team is managing to improve it even more with pretty much daily updates (which are always exciting to read in the changelog) It really is the "All-in-one tool for thinking and Learning"! RemNote is amazing!
    Andre Bappert
    Product, Design, Development
    1 review
    Great to collect, structure, build up and utilise information
    Engineering student who builds apps.
    2 reviews
    Better for second brain, very different from Notion. Barebone bullet-point style knowledge management, but something powerful in its simplicity. What I mean by this is that it allows frictionless thought-capture, just jotting down thoughts in its most basic form. Yet, its simplicity doesn't mean it is unorganised; so many features keep coming to help organise it post-jot. My go-to thought capture tool and second brain.
    Quaner Zhang
    UX designer, PD. Hangzhou China
    2 reviews
    RemNote provides me with a sensation: weighty - its complexity overwhelms me. Even basic tasks such as "creating tags" become intricate endeavors. Due to these circumstances, I have sought refuge in an alternative note-taking software.
    Patrick Kurmann
    Father of three kids from Switzerland
    9 reviews
    The inaugural application that truly enables me to derive profit from my notes.