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  • Premast


    Changing the way everyone create a presentation!
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    What do people think of Premast?

    The community submitted 100 reviews to tell us what they like about Premast, what Premast can do better, and more.
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    4.8/5All time (16 reviews)
    Recently (1 review)
    100 Reviews
    Rose S Pina
    Rose. Team Click One (Product Hunt),
    7 reviews
    Thank you Premast, We all know what we have to do when it comes to using and finding Icons and visual designs for your presentations. These are just a few pointers. - Plan carefully. - Do your research. - Know your audience. - Time your presentation. Great illustration and color, utilize their knowledge of color to portray mood, light, depth, and point of view in a work. Thank you to the Maker, and the Team at Premast for making it Easier for us to show quality presentations. Rose Team Click One
    Donia Ahmed
    1 review
    I like how it's easy to use and it's a real time saver , I also like the verity of assets there.
    Pierfrancesco Di Ruzza


    5 reviews
    Congratulations for the Launch! The product is really innovative and interesting. It solves a real problem (even if it's a small one) in the B2B market: the organization of presentations' assets. Templates always Work with the onboarding (Canva and Miro could confirm that). I would see the next steps of this product!
    Mayank Bishwas
    Here to explore cool tools!
    5 reviews
    Congrats, guys! Very happy to specifically see the customizable SVG features. I have had hour-long scramblings for customizable icons online, but no more it seems :)
    Andre Auf der Maur
    Student in mechanical engineering
    1 review
    Very nice idea but add a filter that allows me too only see the none premium stuff. I wanted to try out the slides but didn't find any non premium version in like 5min and this is quite demotivating. The designs look very cool though.
    aml saady
    aml saady
    1 review
    Mark J Draper

    Founder & Leadership

    16 reviews
    I've used this on and off for a while. Good selection of templates that are directly accessible in PowerPoint while I work. The assets are very professional looking and certainly makes it look like I know what I'm doing with a slide deck!
    Carl lee Frye

    Design at Primitive Prophetic Artistry

    40 reviews
    all PowerPoint. not very useful with my software
    Kris Poore
    Branding expert.
    2 reviews
    Been using Premast for the past year and it has been a god-send for working through presentations and deck designs. The best part of the tool is the asset management feature, which allows you to upload your own decks, slides, graphics, colors and icons. Great tool!
    Omnia Ahmed
    Marketing Lead
    6 reviews
    I really like the fact that I can create professional designs fast