Pratham POS Software

Pratham POS Software

POS System for Restaurant, Barber Shop & Retail Businesses.
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What do people think of Pratham POS Software?

The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about Pratham POS Software, what Pratham POS Software can do better, and more.
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3 Reviews
Smit Patel
Digital Marketing Strategist
1 review
One of the best POS system for restaurant i have used ever! This is all-in-one platform. If you have restaurant owner OR chain owner, you must take a demo for it. You'll love it for sure.

Krutarth Shah

Data & Analytics

1 review
Pratham POS offers exceptional POS solutions tailored to various business needs, including barbershops, restaurants, and cafes. The Barber POS system stands out for its user-friendly interface and efficient appointment scheduling feature, greatly enhancing client management. Their POS system is a game-changer for restaurants, offering seamless order management and inventory tracking, which significantly streamlines operations. The Cafe POS is equally impressive, with its fast transaction processing and intuitive design, perfect for the fast-paced cafe environment. Pratham POS provides reliable, comprehensive, and easy-to-use POS systems, making it a top choice for businesses looking to optimize their operations.

Willow Ava
Founder of Ava's Café and Restaurant.
1 review
I am using Pratham Point of Sale System for my restaurant since last 6 months. No complaint till the time. Smooth POS system with great UI/UX integration. All the features available which can fits for any types of restaurant, even it is small restaurant or large chain business. Highly recommended!