Plan Harmony

Plan Harmony

Collaborative Trip Planning Tool
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What do people think of Plan Harmony?

The community submitted 1 review to tell us what they like about Plan Harmony, what Plan Harmony can do better, and more.
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1 Review
Jude Osbert
Android Dev, always on the move.
3 reviews
The entire product feature can be done on a google calendar. This tool can be a competitor for asana. Edit. - I tried the tool for a trip I am going on. This is good. But I dislike the refresh blocking any action even on resizing the event.
Mike Luby
Thanks for the review @judeosby. We're still early in our development process and are releasing new features specifically geared towards collaborative travel planning all the time. Happy to hear any suggestions you may have to help us be better
Mike Luby
Hey @judeosby thanks for the update! Funny enough, the refresh blocking was updated/removed in the most recent deploy