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  • Pickle

    Transcribe and analyze phone and video conversations
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    What do people think of Pickle?

    The community submitted 43 reviews to tell us what they like about Pickle, what Pickle can do better, and more.
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    43 Reviews
    Adam J Hall
    HRIS Software Architect
    1 review
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    Review of Pickle
    This is going to be huge. With so many customers feeling disenfranchised and companies trying to uncover where customer service problems potentially lie, a tool that will help facilitate and reposition them to make better, stronger decisions will become fundamental.
    Devin Cooley
    Co-Founder & President, SunTrac
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    Review of Pickle
    If you own or manage a business and it receives phone calls, then you should be using Pickle, period! We have been using Pickle for about 9 months now and the only regret I have is not using it sooner! Our phone system has always recorded all of our calls, but let's be honest, no one ever listens to them...unless it's in a court of law (jk). So what good does all of that valuable, GOLD data do but sit there, collecting dust? Do you want to know how many times someone calls in and reference's a specific ad campaign? Or calls in inquiring about the SAME question127 times a day? (That question can now be posted on your website and equip your customers with the info they seek). Or want to know if there is a reoccurring issue or concern that customers keep calling about? Pickle can track that! It's hard for an employee to keep track of the sub-data on the fly, so make their lives easier! Now they are focused on the customer and solving their issues, not tracking metrics. The Pickle team has been amazing in helping us keep the data relevant. They help craft the keywords and markers that Pickle tracks and displays on their nifty dashboard. With their weekly, daily and monthly summary reports, our team can see at a glance how the business is doing below the water. So I'll say it again, if your business receives phone calls and you aren't using Pickle, you are throwing away data that is GOLD! What's more relevant to your business than the internal dialogue directly with your customers?? So what are you waiting for? Don't dilly dally! (nailed it 😎)
    Scott Smith
    We help companies scale faster
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    Review of Pickle
    Amazing company and highly intelligent people at Pickle. The software is a game-changer and has been a big part of our growth over the past several years
    Graham Collins
    Chief of Staff, QuotaPath
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    Review of Pickle
    Awesome! Woot woot!
    Katlalli Karadi
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    Taylor Dahlem
    Director of Growth @ Pickle
    1 review
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    Review of Pickle
    Joseph Zaghloul
    1 review
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    Review of Pickle
    Courtney Rindlisbacher
    Physician Assistant
    1 review
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    Review of Pickle
    AMAZING product and an even more AMAZING team to work with! Im a BIG PICKLE fan!
    Kyle Torres
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