NVST.ly - Social Investing

NVST.ly - Social Investing

Track, share, copy trades, & automate trade signals
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4.9/5All time (90 reviews)
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90 Reviews
1 review
Mediocre at best. They keep trying to copy other platforms out there, desperately paying for fake reviews. The site is laggy, slow and never updated. It used to be called something else that was so forgettable they had to change the name to NVST.ly (whatever that means) just trying to maintain with competitors and try to stay relevant. Sad story unfolding. Just stay away from this until the next product hunt launch. They keep sending emails for give aways. Might as well get something free out of it.
Rich Watson
Hey BobbyT, 2% (of 90) have rated 1 star but only you have left a review, so without knowing the context or genuineness of the other, the claim of mediocracy can be chalked up to one mans opinion. Trying to copy other platforms? Is this what Facebook did after MySpace? Is this what Google did after Yahoo? See where I'm going with this brother? Innovators innovate, we improve on, and we create. Sure we take inspiration from those that came before us. SpaceX and the other examples I gave were not the first, but they are the best- and that is what this brand strives for. We surround ourselves with those better than us so we all become better, and that's how I would describe our team at NVSTly- which is a word play of "invest" as a stock ticker and making it and adjective- to answer your curiosity of what it means. NVSTly is a Trade Hub product, just 1 of many. We don't maintain with any competitors, we lead. There's been many that have tried and unfortunately failed, and I do mean unfortunately as competition for me personally is what drives me. I welcome it, I embrace it, it is truly at the core of what keeps me going and always progressing. There's no sad stories here, the testimonials and reviews contradict that to the fullest. The site is laggy- an unfortunate circumstance of developing in public, we just never stop. Believe it or not, I personally am the most frustrated when I experience the app being slow to load, it eats at me. We want to display real-time trades and finance data, the issue with this is we have to fetch ALL that data when a user visits lets say the trades page, where we fetch 5 trades at a time and the market data for each of those unique tickers, then calculate the real-time profit/loss of the position. 1-3 seconds to load all this does seem slow, but you know that data is only 1-3 seconds old. Now we can cache this data and load everything in milliseconds, but as a daytrader what good is that data even if it's only 1 minute old? Volatility can be a hell of a thing in 60 seconds. After recording this video, I've noticed something we can improve on- when trades have been loaded on the trades page for the first time, and you click on one to see the insights, then go back to the trades page- why are we fetching all that data again when we already did just previously? I've passed this along to our dev team and suggested them to cache already loaded data, if a new trades has been submitted during the time after being on trades page then we should fetch that separately, 1-2 new trades should theoretically load quicker. https://streamable.com/0zjsio To address getting something for free, our entire app is free. As we continue to build in public, PRO membership isn't even required for real-time trades feed. Sounds like your on our email list- have you ever seen us push member subscriptions? We don't do this for money, I firmly believe if you put out a banger product and good user experience the growth of that product will provide monetization opportunities eventually. And because our app is free and we don't paywall our product (as the only few of our competitors left do) we're on a tight bootstrapped budget, resources and data aren't free. But as we continue to improve interactive responsiveness, when we are able to afford that superior streamlined data, you can bet on us putting that revenue back into the platform to continue exceeding user expectations. Apologies for the novel here, I take my work and passion serious. Negative experiences is fuel for my drive for excellency in what I do. Whether your review is genuine or not, as our main competitor just replied to one of my reviews 2.45 hours after your review, which could be coincidental but seeing as how we haven't had a new review in days I suspect your account may be his- if I'm wrong about this then I sincerely apologize. If you are or were a genuine user, check back with us in a week or less and you'll notice something has been added or changed, we're always rolling out items on our never ending to do list.

I discovered this app from an analyst on Discord, Makes it easier and more insightful when following his trade alerts, and seeing performance analytics based on his trades. The notifications are great too, can quickly see the needed data to copy alerts.

Just browsing
1 review
TH is the best! It's cool to see new traders come in and start their learning journey, and months later see them start posting their own analysis and trade alerts. this is what this platform does for traders, they even recruit top ranked or proven traders. the concept is great, app is very good and confirms alerts and a trader's stats, and the community is even better!

sharrel locks
Hire me!
1 review
this community is so great! I came in as a new trader not knowing a thing, their educational material was a good starting point, the live streams they do are so helpful, and their analysts always answer my questions regardless how annoying I can be lol such a great organization!

Joahnna Bosch
developer in netherlands
1 review
amazing community, unique app, and such a great team. they are the high standard of social trading, and innovating a great app for traders, analysts, and beginners. their app allows me to easily share my trading signals with all my followers, and keep track of my trading stats. would recommend this to any trader.

JJ Wils
JJ Wils
NFT creator
1 review
I use Trade Hub to validate my signals and trading stats, and my followers enjoy it. rich and his team are doing great work on this app, and the community is very great. 20,000+ traders, hundreds active daily, and a good engaging staff team.

Larry Smalls
Product Designer
1 review
super cool social app for traders! I run a small trading community on Discord and their bot is the one being used most out of any other bots. Our member really like being able to show off their trades through a visualized UI for every position. Would be neat to see what they can do with it by introducing AI!

Squeeze Capital
1 review
By far the best app in the trading collaboration community. Very helpful crew!
Rich Watson
The grass is greener on the other side brotha!

crypto life
2 reviews
Perfect app for the social trading community on and off Discord. Can't wait for the automated signals and copy trading to come!

Muslem Rahimi
PhD in Physics and founder of stocknear.
2 reviews
slow as hell
Rich Watson
Can't argue there. v2 releasing in 10 days with all-new interactive design, over 50x faster response times, and a bunch of new features.
Rich Watson
v2 has been released for some time now, will experience at least 22x faster response and load times.