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    No More Facebook

    Privacy-friendly alternatives to Facebook products ❤️
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    What do people think of No More Facebook?

    The community submitted 5 reviews to tell us what they like about No More Facebook, what No More Facebook can do better, and more.
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    5 Reviews
    Skyler Bissell
    Founder, strategist, cat lover
    7 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Simple, useful, and timely. Thanks for compiling this! I would also recommend checking out www.callyourfriends.io as a potential addition to the 'stay in touch with friends' section. Similar to a few on there, but it's strictly web-based and uses SMS reminders rather than requiring an app download. Given how many people FB serves with their products, I think we will need tons of options for all kinds of people to replace it.
    Gustavo Benedito Costa
    2 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    As for Mastodon... Mastodon may be privacy-friendly, but does not accept alt-right, far-right and right-wing users. It will not tolerate any homophobic comments either. You have to explain the interested users, because the interested conservative and right-wing users can get wrong to use Mastodon without being aware of Mastodon's rules. Replace it for Minds, that may suit very well for them.
    Creative, ambitous, tech-savvy student.
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    This looks super interesting and well put together! Something we can all benefit from, I think. Thank you for posting
    Ali Alsayed
    Lifelong Learner
    9 reviews
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    Ilya Lesik
    2 reviews
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