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  • Microsoft Azure

    Microsoft Azure

    Optimize your costs by developing in the cloud.
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    What is Microsoft Azure?
    Optimize your costs by developing in the cloud. Invent with purpose.
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    Maker shoutouts
    A big thank you to Microsoft Azure for their sponsorship and exceptional cloud solutions. Azure's data centers in Germany allow us to keep our customers' data entirely within the country, ensuring compliance with local regulations. Additionally, Azure's cloud infrastructure helps us optimize costs and scale efficiently, enabling us to focus on innovation without financial constraints.
    A user interface that can be understood should not be underestimated, and Azure delivers on this front. Spending time trying to find out where and how to do things is not something we do not enjoy.
    LayerOps permet de déployer rapidement des ressources cloud et des applications sur Azure en multi-regions et multi-datacenters, sans avoir à maitriser les spécificités techniques du fournisseur.
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    Recent launches

    Azure Communication Services
    A full communication platform offering built natively in the cloud.
    Azure Communication Services image
    Azure Kinect Developer Kit

    Azure Kinect DK is a developer kit and peripheral with artificial intelligence sensors for sophisticated computer vision and speech models. It combines a best in class depth sensor and spatial microphone array with a video camera and orientation sensor

    Azure Kinect Developer Kit image
    3 more launches