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  • LaunchNotes

    Easily communicate product change, internally and externally
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    What do people think of LaunchNotes?

    The community submitted 32 reviews to tell us what they like about LaunchNotes, what LaunchNotes can do better, and more.
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    32 Reviews
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    Review of LaunchNotes
    Hi @jakebrereton @tylermdavis @computer_smile I really loved the idea and it definitely fills a huge gap that exist in this industry! Really looking forward to it's application, branding is dope! Also, would love to feature it on my Instagram handle and would love to have on my Business Podcast as guest which will expose it to Indian masses! Looking forward to your reply! Please drop in your email address if interested! Thanks
    Recommended this product
    Review of LaunchNotes
    I've been trialing LaunchNotes since the early beta days, been very impressed with how quickly the team is adding new features and responding to my feedback. My team doesn't push out super frequent updates, but it's nice to be able to communicate updates clearly and concisely to users who are interested. Also helps our internal teams stay on the same page! Congrats on the launch, LaunchNotes!
    Danny Olinsky
    Co-founder, Statuspage
    2 reviews
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    Review of LaunchNotes
    Love the focus of the product and the problem LaunchNotes is solving. Enjoying how easy it is to get the product setup right out of the gate, the way you can organize your releases, and create different updates for internal/external users. For years, customers of @statuspageio wanted us to expand into product updates and it would have been nice to send them over to LaunchNotes if it had existed :) Definitely recommend SaaS folks out there to give it a try.
    Shaun VanWeelden
    Field Engineering Manager, Scale AI
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    Review of LaunchNotes
    After giving LaunchNotes a try, I'm really impressed with the team's responsiveness and clean product offering. The focus on nailing internal and external product communication resonates with me a lot and is something I've seen been a challenge at most organizations across the board. I'm excited to see how this will grow in the future and look forward to seeing more from this team!
    Jarrod Baker
    I work in Marketing @ Facebook
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    Review of LaunchNotes
    60% of my job is chasing down my colleagues for updates. As a cross-functional marketer I'm solely reliant on partnership and collaboration and anything that can help me efficiently get the updates I need to keep moving is a lifesaver. This sounds like the tool I need!
    Tim Oakley
    1 review
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    Review of LaunchNotes
    As an operating CFO of multiple tech start-ups, I have always said the toughest position to hire for is a product manager. LaunchNotes is a piece of the product management rubric that accelerates product managers ability to operate across the organization and most importantly for SAAS companies to serve their customers with the foreknowledge and capability of product benefits. An investment that gives real-time, immediate ROI!
    Startup Wannabe
    28 reviews
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    Dave Meyer
    1 review
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    Review of LaunchNotes
    Fantastic team, really well-defined and pervasive problem. Even the best of the best struggle to do this clearly and consistently. Really looking forward to trying it out.
    Brandon Wilcox
    1 review
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    Review of LaunchNotes
    There’s nothing more important for a business than good, clear and timely communication. excited to explore the possibilities Of implementing this!
    Wilson Hambrick
    1 review
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    Review of LaunchNotes
    Realtime communication is going to be of even greater importance for teams working separately and remotely moving forward in this current climate. Looks great guys and the intro video is well done !