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    What do people think of KOYA?

    The community submitted 27 reviews to tell us what they like about KOYA, what KOYA can do better, and more.
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    27 Reviews
    David Leuliette
    Freelance React Native Developer
    27 reviews
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    Review of KOYA
    Hey @courtneyruth Congrats on your launch May I suggest adding a QRcode here https://getkoya.com/the-app Story: As a lazy visitor of your website I can scan a QR code with my phone from my laptop screen So that I don't need to type the name of your app on the store 3 seconds saved, It sparks joy ✨
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    Review of KOYA
    Awesome! Congrats on the launch! Looking forward to using it!
    Cesar Romero
    Community Experience Designer
    3 reviews
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    Review of KOYA
    In a world where we are craving connection and belonging, KOYA brings a beacon of hope into the world we can create if we are more thoughtful and intentional with our relationships. Great work KOYA family!
    Rohit Gulam
    5 reviews
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    Review of KOYA
    This is a great product! I can't tell you how many times I've been blamed by friends and family for missing important events. But no more! Koya to the rescue!!! Nice work team Really love the video!
    Kat Vellos
    Sr UX designer formerly: Slack, Pandora
    1 review
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    Review of KOYA
    So happy to see you on Product Hunt @courtneyruth ! Cnograts and yay for KOYA! My favorite thing about it is being able to schedule KOYAs to show up later on a special day. 📅💞🥰
    Michael Sieb

    Founder & Leadership

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    Shelley Beeston
    Founder of Peerzee | Strategist
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    Review of KOYA
    I love that it is a channel of goodness, it is a good reminder to send kind, encouraging, comforting messages to those you care about. It's a really nice simple start and I can see a lot of potential. I tried it and things that popped in my mind are; access to your contacts, a place to add important dates that can remind you if you haven't sent a koya yet, visibility on the koyas I've sent (btw only used web), easier way to share with friends, link to gift sites with an option to buy and send through koya (rev opportunity)..hope that is anyway helpful. Wish you all the best in spreading kindness.
    Connection Collaboration Confidence
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    Review of KOYA
    It's great that you've taken this challenge to a solution!. I've got 364 days to send wishes for birthdays, anniversaries and special days..and STILL I either miss it or send it late! 😇 I can see this app making my good wishes landing on point!
    Kunal Tandon
    10 reviews
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    Review of KOYA
    Congrats on launch! Excited to try it!!
    Vigneshwar Shankar
    🟢 writing, learning and clarity
    1 review
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    Review of KOYA
    Congratulations on the launch! This is actually a super concept reminding us to take time out for what matters and staying connected with people. Curious to see how the app evolves!