Ideaverse for Obsidian

Ideaverse for Obsidian

A Starter Kit to Manage Your Whole Life
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44 Reviews
Creating chaos out of order.
2 reviews
When I first discovered Obsidian about 3 years ago, Nick's previous versions of the Ideaverse for Obsidian kits (first called IMF and later LYT kit) were how I started to wrap my head around how I could use Obsidian in my own life. Being able to explore his sample vault was a great way to not just discover how he organised his notes and his thinking, but it also gave me some insight in what makes good notes. I'm always excited to play with the newest version and see how Nick's thoughts about and working in his PKM have evolved and developed from the previous version. It gives me ideas (sparks) about what to experiment with and adapt for my own ideaverse. Having seen some previews of this newest edition, thank you @nickmilo and team for the massive value you always provide with your free kit.

Birrell Walsh
Husband, Writer, cook, religionist
3 reviews
Obsidian has vastly improved my retention and digestion of incoming information. And Nick Milo builds systems to make it even better. Remarkable, and thank you!

Alex Pinegger
Facilitator loving PKM
1 review
Hard to contribute anything more, since all the comments have said it all. This was the start of a great PKM journey. Finally all my ideas have their place and i find them when i need them, and I stumble across them when they are connected to my current thoughts. Ill be forever grateful for the LYT kit now Ideaverse. I love this new name and can't wait to dive in.!!!

Doug Warren
iOS developer
2 reviews
Wow!. Such a wonderful jumpstart to help you create your own PKM system in Obsidian. It includes sufficient structuring and scaffolding to help you customize further for your ideas and efforts. The custom callouts and dataview queries offer an dynamic interactive experience so making notes is always a joy. The ACE folders and ARC framework take this to another level beyond the earlier Linking Your Thinking (LYT) Kit. Significant inline help is always available with the Ideaverse Map as well as the email course to help you get started. Nick, thank you for this wonderful gift that will help so many people.

Vicky Zhao
Founder @ the School of Human Intellect
1 review
Just started trialing Nick's On/Ongoing/Simmering/Sleeping framework for my projects and it's brought the focus and peace of mind I needed!!! Thank you Nick for sharing the joy of connecting ideas with your amazing mind!

Bob Rosen
Bob Rosen
Husband, father, grandfather, veteran.
6 reviews
Nick and the international community of Linking Your Thinking teacher students have been a lifeline for my making notes, organizing my Personal Knowledge Map of Content, and thinking about thinking. Standing ovation for their dedication and essential tutoring.

Erick VR
Erick VR


1 review
LYT was a great tool for me to improve my Engineering skills. I study a lot of topics and finding a way to link all of this knowledge with conenctions and ordered is PRICELESS for me. I'm eager to try the new ideaverse. Great job Nick!

Pierke Bosschieter
indexer interested in all things techie
1 review
well-thought-out and highly adaptable

Student, explorer, problem-solver
1 review
I've used the LYT kit for a couple months now. I have not utilized it to it's fullest and maybe developed some poor habits because of my own volition. I am super excited to utilize this starter kit. I start college this fall and I'm greatly looking forward to creating good habits for myself. I think what interests me the most is the ACE folder/headspace framework. I've wanted to have Obsidian "manage my life" and that takes a lot of deliberate effort. Having a framework that is fun, thoughtful, and aesthetically pleasing is motivational for learning.

Susan Pearson


15 reviews
Well done Nick, I had today marked on my calendar and couldn't wait to download and play with the Ideaverse. I can make use of so many of the inspirations. The logs are so much better that dropping everything into a daily note, I can revisit that topic next time, health etc rather than losing it in a random daily note somewhere. The sources map with it's call outs look beautiful, I'm going to utilise that. The Efforts in On, Ongoing, Simmering and Sleeping is brilliant. The more I look around I see that the actual structure is really minimal and very attractive and the biggest elements is the data within, As I have played around with my vault and been inspired by so many different people I have realised that more of my vault is dedicated to making lots of things look nice without as much accessibility to the information I need to be seeing. I have been highly inspired to edit my vault to utilise a lot of this thinking, but retaining the sense of me. As someone who often falls for shiny object syndrome I am proud of how I have approached this.