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  • Font Playground

    A fun place to play with variable fonts!
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    Do you use Font Playground?
    What is Font Playground?
    Font Playground is a playground to fully explore what these new font technologies can offer and how they can be beneficial to your creative workflow.
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    Font Playground media 2
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    Recent launches

    Detail 2
    Record and stream high-quality video with your Mac. Turn your Mac into a production studio with Scenes, multi-cam, and auto framing. Detail works with your iPhone, iPad, built-in webcam, or any other camera.
    Detail 2 image
    Detail is a virtual camera that you can use in Zoom, Loom, Twitch, Whereby, or your favorite streaming software. Use your iPhone or iPad as your camera, switch between cameras, pick your favorite filter and record high quality video while streaming live.
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    1 more launch