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  • Flowly

    VR & biofeedback to take control of body because pain sucks
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    What do people think of Flowly?

    The community submitted 20 reviews to tell us what they like about Flowly, what Flowly can do better, and more.
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    20 Reviews
    Anthony Scarpone-Lambert
    Co-Founder & CEO @ Adni
    1 review
    Reviewed this product
    Wow this is SO cool - such an important product!! As a nurse, I would love for this to be used by patients in the clinical setting! When I worked in the Emergency Room, we had many patients come in with pain and often times just gave them medication to help. It would be awesome if Flowly could be used for patients!
    Kerry Rupp
    True Wealth Ventures
    1 review
    Reviewed this product
    We are early investors in Flowly and have been very impressed by the product and the team. They're making a real difference for chronic pain patients with a non-opiod based solution, which is really important to us.
    Abhijoy Mitra
    1 review
    Reviewed this product
    Amazing UI and design! The attention to detail and overall aesthetic experience is special and really puts you at ease as the user
    Ciaran V
    Ciaran V
    Film and Television
    1 review
    Reviewed this product
    Congratulations! This is really cool. Flowly has helped me to calm anxiety and center during busy work weeks. 😊
    James Li
    James Li
    Co-founder of Mighty Health
    5 reviews
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    Review of Flowly
    Congrats on the launch, and love the video! What's included in the kit, and is it a part of every membership level?
    Calvin Bohn
    COO and Co-Founder of Smalls
    2 reviews
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    Review of Flowly
    Brilliant idea by brilliant people in an area that desperately needs it. Less pills, more pain relief!
    13 reviews
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    Review of Flowly
    Cary Lin
    Cary Lin
    CEO / Cofounder @ Common Heir
    2 reviews
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    Review of Flowly
    Kent Yoshimura
    Co-founder + CEO at Neuro
    2 reviews
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    Review of Flowly
    Jamie Singer
    CEO and Co-founder of Ussie
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Flowly
    Flowly is great!! Love the mission and passion of the team. Excited to watch this company grow.