

Build remarkable analytics experiences, 10x faster
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What is Embeddable?
You want to show analytics to users in your app, but do you build or do you buy? We understand the frustrations: building it yourself is almost always a deceptively costly, ongoing commitment. Out-of-the-box solutions rarely fulfil the speed and user experience standards you envision for your customers. That's why we built Embeddable, an alternative that enables you to unleash your creativity and forge the analytics solution of your dreams, without compromise.
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Cite, Annotate, and Research with AI

Recent launches

Embeddable's Private Beta
Embedded analytics tools are clunky and inflexible, building bespoke analytics is tedious and expensive. Embeddable is a front-end toolkit and back-end engine to help you craft remarkable analytics experiences, 10x faster⚡️ Private Beta Applications Open ⚡️
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