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  • Dark Sky

    Dark Sky

    Weather app that predicts when it will rain or snow
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    What do people think of Dark Sky?

    The community submitted 6 reviews to tell us what they like about Dark Sky, what Dark Sky can do better, and more.
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    4.2/5All time (1 review)
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    6 Reviews
    Rudy Cummings
    Drone Pilot
    1 review
    Loved the app
    Smokie Does Stuff
    3 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Dark Sky

    While I want to like this app, I don't find it to be more useful or compelling as a weather app than 1Weather, WeatherBug, or The Weather Channel apps.

    Tim Abell
    Tim Abell
    Contract Programmer & Wannapreneur
    6 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Dark Sky 5

    I think rain alarm was better at warning of approaching rain, but this is way shinier and doesn't have annoying ads.

    Brian Altman
    1 review
    Recommended this product
    Review of Dark Sky 5
    Doug Murray
    like technolgy
    2 reviews
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Dark Sky
    I am changing my review for the Dark Sky App due to their disgraceful announced move to remove the Android version now that Apple ones them. I have such distaste for such company practices, to completely alienate a whole user ecosystem simply because they got bought out. It is a real shame as the app itself is very good. Too bad it will not be available for Android for long.
    Marianne Métairie
    Software Product Designer & Art Director
    2 reviews
    Recommended this product
    Review of Dark Sky

    Love this app, I've been using it since a while now but I LOVE the new interface!
