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What do people think of CulturePulse?

The community submitted 11 reviews to tell us what they like about CulturePulse, what CulturePulse can do better, and more.
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4.6/5All time (11 reviews)
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11 Reviews
Davor Anicic
I implement AI-based products.
3 reviews
Great service with powerful tech behind it.

Slane Design
1 review
Outstanding product with leading technologists in AI! Highly Recommend!
Justin Lane
Thanks! We're psyched we have so many good reviews :)

app tester
1 review
The people at CulturePulse definitly know customer psychology because with the phrase "Enter and score the copy you or your team have created with no limit to how many versions you can test" they made me believe I could do just that, but in reality every version is counted ! The 500 tests/month of the premium plan are going to wear out in a few days only. Oh and they also count A and B of the A/B tests as 2, not one.
Brian Swichkow
Thank you for this feedback, BoMa. You're absolutely right, the language "with no limit" is misleading. I'm forwarding this to the product team now for that to be changed. Please send an email to from the email you used to create your premium account so we get you sorted.

Thomas Daly

Founder & Leadership

1 review
CulturePulse has never let us down. Using digital twins saves time and money. Love the product.
Justin Lane
Thanks Tom! You know, I was just reviewing some of the previous uses of "lookalike audiences" and realizing how important building digital twins without PII is for ethics. Facebook got sued for their lookalike audiences and how they were using them. Its a lower level technology with higher risks. Much better to have digital twins that protect PII data, don't need sketchy data brokers and still is able to get the job done!

Michael Gantley

Data & Analytics

1 review
This is the ultimate tool for optimizing ALL your social media posts using digital twins. Delighted for the excellent team @ CulturePulse.
Justin Lane
Thanks! Happy to see people liking this!

Marko Petric
2 reviews
As a growth marketer, I love me a good tool that lets you test messaging across audiences, and CulturePulse takes that to a completely new place. I'm excited to see how the product continues to evolve, and how the upcoming modules will help with additional use cases. Great stuff.

Dawn Watt
Dawn Watt
Global Comms Director, working remotely.
1 review
This module launch changes the game! I love that its an all-in-one product that I can now use for all of my social media channels. To be able to generate awesome content, but to also know if my posts will resonate before publishing, is such a great tool for me - and all marketers. Congrats on the launch!

Dāvis Lejnieks
1 review
While I have been Redditor for +12 years and I know communities "in and out", this is my "go to" tool to predict if there is still ways how I can sharpen my ad copy for Reddit Ads and Reddit organic marketing.

Dawny Watt


1 review
I use the CulturePulse platform everyday just to make sure I'm crafting relevant copy that cuts through the noise. It's exactly what the adtech industry has been screaming out for - saves so much time too.

Lukas Macner
Growth Manager at Community startup
4 reviews
Love the simple to user interface. Provides a crystal ball into how my ads will actually peform in the future