Contrast for Figma

Contrast for Figma

Check color contrast against images, gradients, and solids.
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What is Contrast for Figma?
Contrast makes it easy to check the contrast ratios of colors as you work in Figma. Select a layer and Contrast will immediately serve up the contrast ratio along with passing and failing levels from the WCAG. Works with images, gradients, and solids.
Contrast for Figma media 1
Contrast for Figma media 2
Contrast for Figma media 3

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Contrast for Figma
Contrast makes it easy to check the contrast ratios of colors as you work in Figma. Select a layer and Contrast will immediately serve up the contrast ratio along with passing and failing levels from the WCAG. Works with images, gradients, and solids.
Contrast for Figma image