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What is Braavo?
Braavo is creating a better model for app companies to receive funding for growth that arms developers & founders with insights to scale sustainably & capital to turn their vision into reality. They built a robust funding platform & a suite of powerful analytics tools that track and analyze app performance. It provides mobile app businesses with capital for growth and insights to make it happen.
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Cite, Annotate, and Research with AI

Recent launches

Braavo Analytics
Unlimited integrations. Unlimited seats. And no SDKs. Braavo Analytics is the fastest way for ambitious businesses to view their financial data. Get comprehensive analytics for mobile app founders, out of the box.
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Braavo Card
The card that works with all major UA channels. Spend your app store and ad network receivables on Facebook, Google Ads, and more. Immediately. Scale your revenue—without dilution.
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3 more launches