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    The community submitted 1 review to tell us what they like about Artsy, what Artsy can do better, and more.
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    Gateway Gallery
    I run an independant gallery
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of Artsy

    If you are selling something other than wall decoration (i.e. fine art) and you are not based in the USA, from my experience you are just going to pour your money and time away without seeing any benefit. You have to add work every day - only recent uploads ever shown Really slow to add work They have a scetion for CV and try to dissuade you from adding bio details ?!! I was on this site for a year, uploaded regularly, put on line shows up and had an ROI of zero. If you are contemplating spending the money and are not a large gallery in the US selling 'commercial work' I think you might find this a shockingly expensive mistake
