

Nurture and convert more website visitors
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What is Orba?
Orba helps marketing and sales teams nurture then convert website visitors. It does this through two key products: a generative AI sales rep for your website and a visitor dashboard that highlights when key leads are heating up! Orba is truly focused on providing value to web visitors in natural language, eliminates the painful process of building out chat scripts, and stores conversation summaries right into your CRM so sales teams can easily follow up with leads.
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Recent launches

Orba Visitor Insights
Orba's Visitor Insights allows you (SDRs and BDRs) to identify each website lead. Get alerts when leads are showing positive intent signals so you can follow up at the right time.
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Orba is your best sales rep! It seeks to understand customer problems and positions your product based on those needs. No need for scripts! Simply upload your product messaging documents.
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