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    omfg best video ever

    The team behind tl;dv may have been nervous about their launch yesterday, but they made a splash and blew a few minds with their introduction video.

    tl;dv 1.0 provides a better way to catch up on notes post-meeting.

    “[W]e found that it always takes way too much time to repeat and contextualize every important live meeting insight and takeaway, especially without the context, the emotions, or the visuals… in most cases, we still (have to) join too many live meetings out of FOMO.” - Raphael Allstadt, maker

    With tl;dv, you can link your meeting minutes to the exact moment in your video recording & transcript. It works as a Chrome extension, and other core features include one-click record, video transcriptions (English so far), and share functions to popular apps and CRMs like Slack, Salesforce, and Notion.

    The company is focusing on Google Meet to start, with “Zoom coming very soon.” It’s worth noting that tl;dv has a few competitors in this space, which is white-hot after remote and hybrid workplaces blew up over the last year and a half. For example, Google Meet users may be familiar with Otter.ai, and in Zoom land, Grain has been enjoying a great year and launched an update earlier this year.

    It’s also clear from the community response that many people are hungry for better meetings.

    “I've been waiting for a product like this for ages! Working in customer success, keeping track of notes in video calls is an absolute mess.” - Andrew Mertell

    “It basically replaces the scrubbing bar and changes the game for how to take notes too.” - Daniel Giovacchini

    "This is going to be so useful, congratulations on your launch. No more wall-of-text meeting notes!" - Blake Hunsicker

    See what all the hype is about.

    which way to the beach?

    As you’re headed out this weekend, Beach Nearby may come in handy. As Ryan Hoover put it:

    “This is like AllTrails for beaches. I'm into it.”


    Judge a person by their heart. Books — those things have covers for a reason.

    Fortunately, Mockly just arrived to help creators and writers make a good looking eBook in minutes.

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