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How normal is your face? 🤔
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How normal is your face? 🤔
If you’ve ever wondered how “normal” your face is, you can now find out using AI.

Last weekend, project SHERPA released an AI-powered analyzer titled How Normal am I? The tool creates an interactive documentary about your face and reveals how average it is.

Enable your webcam to start a live video showing how different algorithms, (beauty, age, gender, emotion, BMI, and life expectancy) assess your face, and how companies use this to make judgements (good and bad) about you.

SHERPA is an EU-funded project that analyses how AI and big data analytics impact ethics and human rights.

While the project provides interesting insights into the world of AI algorithms, one score, in particular, has triggered the most discussion; ‘how attractive am I’?

Here are some reactions from the community:

“This is incredibly interesting, informative & fun. Glad to have tried it and figured out my level of cloud-attractiveness ;)” – Merlin Laffitte

“That was fun! I'm a 5.5 in attractiveness 😆” – Jon Jones

“No way Beauty is 8.4... creepy but fun!” – David Villalón

No need to worry about data collection. According to the project creators, no data is sent to the cloud, it is all processed within your browser.

Find out how ‘normal’ you are.
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This retro widget resurrects Nokia screens on your iPhone.

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