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We're launching a new app for iOS & Android 🚨
We're launching a new app for iOS & Android 🚨
Fun Fact: When news broke that Facebook acquired tbh last month, so many of you clicked our push notification announcing the news that it crashed the site. 😳

While a little embarrassing, this behavior didn't surprise us. Many people use Product Hunt to stay up-to-date and get inspired by what's happening in tech. Acquisitions, funding announcements, interesting stories, and anything from Elon Musk tends to attract interest and conversation among the community.

With these observations in mind, we're working on a new app that's different than anything else we've built in the past. It won't be limited to products. It might not have a kitty mascot. It will live quietly in the background, until something big happens. All signal, no clickbait. And yes, it will be available on iOS and Android.

We'd love your input and will be dog fooding Ship to keep everyone updated on our progress and gather feedback. If you want to be a part of the building process, subscribe now. We'll have a beta for you in the coming weeks. 😊
We’re looking for a Senior Full-Stack Engineer to join the Product Hunt team. If you’re interested or know someone that might fit, please let us know. 🙏
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For those with FOMO. Never miss a headline and be the first to spot the next big thing among the top 10 products each day.