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NEW: Y Combinator Startup School 🎓
NEW: Y Combinator Startup School 🎓
or over a decade, Y Combinator has been one of the most influential forces in the startup community. Without it, reddit, Airbnb, Dropbox, and hundreds of other startups may not exist.

Today, YC introduced Startup School, a 10-week massively open online course (MOOC) to teach you how to start a startup. While helpful for the industry, Startup School isn’t a “charity”. They’re cleverly expanding their platform further down the funnel, to educate and identify tomorrow’s great companies. Well played. 😊

Join the conversation with Sam Altman and signup for Startup School here... or just read this startup f*&$ing advice.
If Trello and Slack had a baby. The team behind the popular Sorted for Gmail extension just launched Sorted for Slack! Get Trello-style project boards right in your Slack.
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