Product Hunt Daily Digest
March 3rd, 2022

Virtual Neural Scans 🧠

What happens when a brain researcher who specializes in the rehabilitation of athletes makes an app? A lot of celebrity endorsements will follow.

At least that’s the case for Nuro by Nurosene. If you have already heard of the app, founded in 2019 by neurologist Daniel Gallucci, it may be because of headlines around Michael Phelps (Olympic swimmer) and Richard Sherman (NFL star) joining the advisory council or Joe Jonas investing in the app. There’s are other big names associated as well but what they all have in common is the impetus to speak out about mental health.

Nuro provides a science-based, self-guided platform for better brain health. “Our app was designed by a team of neurological experts that have been using these methods in clinic with elite athletes for decades,” explained Nurosene Product Manager, Jamie Hackett, with today’s launch.

According to the company’s investor information page, Nurosene agreed to acquire NetraMark, a Canadian AI and ML startup that provides learning solutions to biotech companies. The goal is to digitize the experience of seeing a functional neurologist.

One of the most interesting features is a Virtual Neural Scan described as a non-invasive, personalized tool to strengthen your brain basics. It starts with a series of tasks to assess four neural networks (a collection of synapses that fire across the human brain and create meaning) — cognitive flexibility, working memory, long-term memory, and adaptability.

“...[T]he brain is a self-organized series of neurological networks… Your score is a PROXY for what we think certain networks of the brain may be doing, what they may excel at, or not. This is very much ACTIVE data as you progress…” the site explains.

The assessment of these four neural networks serves as the basis for personalizing your experience. The result is Daily Brain Flow exercises, designed to stimulate and optimize the dynamic nature of your brain and improve your mental performance.

Though we may not know what it’s like to compete in the Olympics, we’ve all been through something in the last few years. Would you try Nuro to boost your mental health? Why or why not?

Take a Virtual Neural Scan

Local is a browser extension that lets you find Amazon products locally, reducing CO2 emissions and helping the local economy in the process. Once you find the item you want to buy, the map in the extension shows you nearby locations that carry the product.

The extension found us while Amazon is driving its own nail into a coffin. The company announced yesterday that its closing its 68 brick-and-mortar book, 4-star, and pop-up stores.

OpenPhone and Daryna Kulya
Co-founder and COO breaks down how she led her phone company through Y Combinator and made big, post-launch, product changes to create rapid growth
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