Product Hunt Daily Digest
April 22nd, 2018

GitHub launched a bot πŸ€–
GitHub isn't just for open-source projects: it's how most engineering teams collaborate on code and products.

Instead of guessing your way through git for hours, enroll in the recently-launched Github Learning Lab. The friendly bot will teach you about:

πŸ“ Markdown, the internet's favorite formatting tool
πŸ–₯️ Github Pages to build free websites in minutes
😬 Merge conflicts, or when you and your coworkers disagree

This isn't the only bot-based education tool to launch recently: a SMS-based university launched last week, with entrepreneurship lessons from UCLA, USC, and Babson professors.

You can also learn a language over text with the Golden-Kitty-winning Duolingo Bots, powered by AI. πŸ€–
Learn Github Skills πŸ› οΈ

Airbnb just launched a nifty tool so event organizers don't have to book out entire floors of hotels. πŸ‘πŸ‘

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