How did you validate the need for your startup product?

Hassan Muazzam
10 replies


Lucas Edwards
To validate the need for our startup product, we focused on these key areas: Market research: We conducted thorough research to identify market gaps and understand customer needs. Target audience analysis: We analyzed our target audience's pain points, preferences, and behaviors to ensure our product addressed their specific needs. Prototype and testing: We developed a prototype and conducted user testing to gather feedback and validate the usability and value of our product. Competitive analysis: We studied competitors to differentiate our product and ensure its unique value proposition in the market. Validation metrics: We tracked essential metrics such as customer acquisition, engagement, and conversion rates to measure the market validation and success of our product. Through these focused efforts, we successfully validated the need for our startup product.
Ethan Perez
We validated the need for our startup product through extensive market research, user feedback, and prototype testing. This iterative process confirmed demand from our target audience and allowed us to refine our product accordingly.
Ask your customers How big is the problem? How difficult is it for them to operate without your solution? What's their number one need? How quickly can you solve this?
I saw so many AI tools popping up, like shrooms after rain. Pop pop pop pop. It was clear - there's a need for an AI directory that shows you how to use the tools. So aiwizard was born
Carter Michael
Made an MVP and launched it.
Alex Reynolds
Thank you for sharing this information. I just wanted to let you know that I just looked at your website and found it to be very interesting and helpful. I'm looking forward to reading many of your posts
André J
Launching soon!
Made a sick pilot and showed it to the smartest people I could find