Did you change the way you use AI now?

5 replies
Do you use AI the same way when you first started using it? We share this topic in our latest newsletter. Would love to hear from you. πŸ€— https://whowhatwhyai.substack.co...


Indu Thangamuthu
Big Yes! After annoying AI repeatedly, now I have started to use it in many ways, useful for business works and repoorts preps
Shantanu Bhosale
Yes, Now I ask questions related to work to AI and I can expect partially correct or even perfect answers. Before a few years, I would not expect such a thing from an AI
Tanzirul Huda
Yes, I use my own AI-based productivity tool called Virtuo(virtuo.simplef.net)
No, I don't use AI the exact same way that I did. When I began exploring artificial intelligence and its potential applications several years ago, it was still a relatively new field - so much has changed since then! Nowadays, there are many more tools available to developers than when I first started experimenting; these advancements have enabled to create smarter AI solutions that can better understand complex problems and generate more meaningful insights...
Apollon Latsoudis
I like to think so. I started using AI in 2020 primarily for trained datasets so that I can receive specific genre answers. Now I am using AI tools for copywriting, generica question answering, music-image -video creation. These are exciting times!