Big Jump in Sales of Notion Templates – Here's What It Means

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Hello Community, We've got some great news from the Notion Insider marketplace. Just six months in and this Black Friday, our sales numbers for Notion templates more than doubled. This shows us that people are really into Notion templates, even more than we thought. Our recent sales data is a clear indicator. People are continuing to buy so there's a strong, ongoing interest in Notion templates, which suggests a healthy and growing demand in this area. Thomas Frank pointed out something interesting: "There are Youtube Excel channels over 2 million – we're still in the early game with Notion." This means there's a lot of room for Notion to grow. And excited to hear what you think – are we really just at the beginning with Notion?


Shambhavi Mahajan
I came across a Notion consultancy based out of NYC, there's definitely an opportunity here