Advice on how to make a vacation home rental app attractive

Malaika Daude
4 replies
Hello Hunting community, I haven't hunted my product yet; am still figuring out how things work and how best to do it. But I do have a question: my mobile application is taking very long to take off. I can't figure out where I went wrong. It's a Airbnb type app. But it goes beyond just that as its a 2-in1 app offering your regular vacation rental as well as a homeswap ( for the property owners only) . Also I don't charge any fees at all to the homeowners. So it's totally free to register as well as no fees or commissions are payable by the property owners. But even so, it's taking very long to take traction. For those of you who have experience with vacation home rentals and accommodation apps, what attracts you to those apps ? Any input is welcome πŸ™πŸΌ


Gurkaran Singh
Hey there, Gurkaran Singh here! πŸš€ It's great to see you diving into the world of vacation home rentals with your unique twist on the Airbnb concept. Offering both vacation rentals and home swaps without any fees for homeowners is definitely a standout feature. When it comes to making your app more attractive, consider focusing on enhancing user experience. This could mean improving the search functionality, providing high-quality images, and ensuring smooth transactions. Additionally, incorporating personalized recommendations and reviews can help build trust with potential users. Furthermore, marketing plays a crucial role in gaining traction. Utilize social media, partnerships with travel influencers, and targeted advertising to reach your target audience. Remember, building a successful app takes time and perseverance. Keep iterating based on user feedback and stay committed to providing value to both vacationers and homeowners. Best of luck on your journey! 🏑✨
Malaika Daude
@thestarkster thank you for taking the time to respond and sharing advice. Yes, you're right on the time and perseverance... And a lot of patience too.
erwin smith
The development of a mobile application for rental properties opens up exciting opportunities for both landlords and tenants. However, achieving popularity in a competitive market requires strategic planning and implementation. If you encounter problems when working with your rental application, it is important to evaluate your approach and explore innovative solutions. Check out platform from here which offers deals with their collateral-free rental market, attracting both landlords and tenants. By using this resource, you can add value to your app and stand out in the rental market.
Maybe try focusing on marketing strategies to reach your target audience more effectively. Also, consider gathering feedback from users to see if there are any improvements or features they’d like to see.