Zendog Labs

Zendog Labs

Winning growth strategies
31 points
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Zendog Labs
Zendog Labs
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Raising funds? Created a guided pitch deck template. LMK if interested!

Hi, hi. VC, founder, and advisor here. Built & reviewed 100s of pitch decks and it's surprising to see how many startups get it wrong. So, I created a guided template that focuses on must-have slides, content placement, and avoiding common mistakes, with detailed commentary. If you're interested, let me know and we can discuss a fair way to share it. Cheers!
Zendog Labs
Zendog Labs
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Find a gym with a punching bag and hit that thing as hard as you can haha
Konok Nazmul
What strategy can an internet entrepreneur use to manage stress and find relaxation on a hectic day?
Zendog Labs
Zendog Labs
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Don't do a PhD
Sully Butt
What is the best advice you've received in your career?
Zendog Labs
Zendog Labs
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Building a solution for this right now (www.zendoglabs.com/spectr) - *self-promo off* :)
hafid Ahlaqach
How do you find out where the people you want to target hangout?
hafid Ahlaqach
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Zendog Labs
Zendog Labs
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Communities or masterminds for entrepreneurs

Hi Ladies & Gents, anyone following Alex Hormozi lately (bearded muscular dude, now running acquired.com or so, all over YouTube)? Really enjoy the stuff he posts and one thing that stuck was his point about how he invested all his cash into mentoring, communities, masterminds, etc. I’m a fairly experienced operator and investor and usually too stubborn for stuff like this but am...
Zendog Labs
Zendog Labs
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Telling everyone Happy Friday - but grinding yourself to death
Richard Gao
What's your favourite thing to do on Friday?
Zendog Labs
Zendog Labs
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it's the same whether in or out of office: show folks that you care about them
Aditya Asabe
How do you keep your remote team motivated and engaged?
Zendog Labs
Zendog Labs
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insane drive to get a subject matter expert in the space they are building for
What is the most important skill every product manager should have?