Wooloo Zeng

Wooloo Zeng

focus on social network / casual games.
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Wooloo Zeng
QTA is a product where one shares a photo or video to answer questions or tasks which are posted by you, friends and/or strangers. Let's show ourselves and connect friends in a unique game way.
Share life moments by joining question or task with friends
Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
started a discussion

Have some doubts, hope the PH team can help answer?

GAS/Bereal, the most popular social application recently, appeared on the top of the list. But none of them can get high attention on PH. The important attribute of both products is that they are products started by teenage users. Does this mean that the user attributes of PH cannot resonate with teenage interests. Of course, for a social product like ours, we are more concerned about how to...
Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
started a discussion

What time is the best to launch?

e.g. Monday 10:00 am
Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
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This might be a great tip. Thanks for your careful observation.
Nadezhda Babushkina
Animated logos help to get to top?
Nadezhda Babushkina
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Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
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How can I get the potential student users?
Ashley Higgins
Ask the PH team anything: Launching on PH
Ashley Higgins
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Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
started a discussion

Name a few topics that students pay more attention to on different social platforms.

Platform: Twitter / Reddit / Instagram I want to introduce and discuss my social products with them. Do you think this way will work? https://api.qta.app/share/JVVnau
Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
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All. Novels: have potential to image Movies: feel tiny detail from actor
Ghost Kitty
What do you prefer? Novels or movies
Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
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a social share app by playing Q&A game with friends.
Pop Dale
What project are you working on?
Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
left a comment
Newbie here too. Looking for initial users for my social product.
Nadezhda Babushkina
Newbie here, want to know more about you guys
Nadezhda Babushkina
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Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
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Share moments by Q&A game.
Aaron O'Leary
Describe your product in 5 words.
Aaron O'Leary
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Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
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Don't try to add too many features to increase the usability of the app. Just one is enough.
Help a new creator by sharing a tip you learned the hard way.
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Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
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Get initial users of my social product...
Elif Duran
What are your goals for the month?
Wooloo Zeng
Wooloo Zeng
started a discussion

How to find the initial users of social products?

Can anyone give me some advice on how to achieve this? * Which platforms are suitable for finding initial users * How to get it on these platforms