Martin White

Martin White

Growth Hacking Trailblazer
8 points
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Martin White
Martin White
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I'm always on, no schedule needed. But for startup folks, it varies. Some swear by the 9-to-5, others are night owls.
Mark Howland
Do you prefer to work when you feel like it, or on a set schedule?
Martin White
Martin White
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Zendesk's my jam. Solid features, integrates well with other tools.
Anil Matcha
Which helpdesk software do you use?
Martin White
Martin White
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Weekends are my days off, therefore I don't work at all.
Ghost Kitty
Do you work weekends? If you don't work, what do you prefer to do?
Martin White
Martin White
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So far so good. Hopefully more better this coming days.
Do you enjoy your position at your startup?
Serhii Uspenskyi
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Martin White
Martin White
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The Spotify Wrapped campaign really caught my attention. They've leveraged user data brilliantly, making it personal and shareable.
Vlad Zivkovic
What's the most innovative marketing campaign you've come across recently?
Vlad Zivkovic
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Martin White
Martin White
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Videos for sure.
Sneha Nair
Which method of learning is more effective for you?
Martin White
Martin White
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You have a nice list, Congrats !
Indu Thangamuthu
Top 15 In-Demand Tech Skills for 2023
Indu Thangamuthu
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