Warda Bukhari

Warda Bukhari

Business growth | SEO | AI
23 points
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Warda Bukhari
Warda Bukhari
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😳 I lost my 278 days streak! What have I learnt?

Yesterday as I logged in, I noticed my streak was reduced to 1 day. In disbelief, I asked myself if I had not logged in the day before? That sounds odd for an avid Product Hunt user. But perhaps I had not. All those times of illness, works travels and going on holidays (sometimes half way across earth to places like Japan!), I always used Product hunt. In fact, sometimes I spent more time on...
Warda Bukhari
Warda Bukhari
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Congratulations Kate! Wish you all the best.
Kate Kovbii
Just launched my first solo-made no-code tool πŸ₯³ AMA
Warda Bukhari
Warda Bukhari
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Thank you for sharing this! I agree it's usually a good mix of all these qualities to drive success of a product.
Naresh Meetei
8 Lessons we can Extract from Instagram Co-Founder, Kevin Systrom
Naresh Meetei
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Warda Bukhari
Warda Bukhari
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Suggestions for a CRM system?

Hi all, could you kindly suggest a CRM system that is easy to implement, smart and start-up friendly. I have used hubspot and salesforce in the past but I wasn't particular a fan of either. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :) PS. No microsoft please! :D
Warda Bukhari
Meteron is a backend platform that helps you build AI products, seamlessly. It takes away complexities of infrastructure autoscaling and storage.
Meteron AI
Meteron AI
Rapidly build AI products